
I don’t usually do awards, mostly because I rarely deserve any. But I am very much humbled by the people who do believe that I  deserve it. So, I would like to thank not only the ones who have nominated me, but also each and everyone here reading. I really appreciate it.



The Awesome Blogger Award


I would like to thank Hira who blogs at Hira Chaudary, An endeavour of self perception for nominating me for “The Awesome Blogger Award”.

Question by Hira :

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
Everywhere. Why pass up such a great opportunity. But whoever is sponsoring this is going to have one hell of a day figuring out the expenses.

What is your biggest accomplishment?
Honestly, I don’t have one. But ask me about disappointments, I have a whole library of things to tell.

What is the most amazing blog you’ve ever come across?
Ah, this is a trick question. I will be completely honest and point out the one that does stand out from the rest. ALL. Yes, all blogs are the most amazing that I have come across. They all are unique writers and have a story to tell which intrigues me even more.

Chocolate or Lollies?
Chocolates, anyday and night.

What’s the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Oh, I apologize because I have a habit of not remembering things or sometimes even listening to them. So, best advice? I don’t think so anyone gave me one. Otherwise, I would be in a much better place than I am right now.

What is your dream job?
Honestly, I don’t want to do any job. I just want a never ending bank balance and that’s is. Call me an asshole or whatever you want, that is what my dream job would be.

What’s your favourite flavour of ice cream?
I don’t eat ice cream. Yeah, shocking, right?



Too Much Information Tag



I would like to thank Rudra Makwana who blogs at  Tinte for  nominating me for the TMI tag.

TMI Tag Questions:

1: What are you wearing?
T-shirt, Shirt and Jeans

2: Ever been in love?
No. Never will be.

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Was never in love, so a hard pass on this.

4: Any tattoos?
No. But I am scouting for that one perfect tattoo.

5: Any piercings?

6: Favorite band?
No, I listen to mostly Pop music. I just want good music and sometimes good lyrics.

7: Something you miss? 
The money I never had, apparently

8: Favorite song?
Currently, Broken People

9: How old are you?
Old enough to have Mid-Life Crisis.

10: Zodiac sign?

11: Quality you look for in a partner?
I wasn’t looking for a partner. Because never fall in Love. Because too broken on the inside.

12: Favorite Quote?
Nothing comes to mind. So, basically no favorite quotes.

13: Favorite color?
Black. Like my soul.

14: Loud music or soft?
Loud fucking music. I got noise cancelling headphones for the same reason.

15: Where do you go when you’re sad?
Coffee shop. Music. And with my book or laptop.

16: How long does it take you to shower?
Long enough to have great thoughts and forget them when I come out.

17: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I calculate that on how late I get. So, pretty late.

18: Ever been in a physical fight?
I wish.

19: Turn on?
Hot girls. Hands down.

20: Turn off?
Being full of oneself and being way too stupid, exceeding the predefined limit.

21: Fears?
Of living.

22: Last thing that made you cry?
I tried. I guess my tears have dried up.

23: Last time you said you loved someone?
Never said that. Never really loved anyone.

24: Meaning behind your Blog Name?
Lost in the Echo. Because I just want to fade away like that voice that was never heard.

25: Last book you read?
Origin by Dan Brown, still reading.

26: The book you’re currently reading?
Origin by Dan Brown.

27:  Last show you watched?

28:  The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
Brother, cousin.

29: Favorite food?

30: Places you want to visit?

31: Do you have a crush?

32: Favorite flavor of sweet?
As long as it is sweet.

33: What instruments do you play??

34: Favorite piece of jewelry?
Bracelets and Necklaces, I guess. But noting gold or fancy.

35: Last sport you played?

36: Last song you sang?
Does anyone have a death wish?

37: Favorite chat up line?

38: Last time you hung out with anyone?
This weekend. With My coffee, book and laptop.

39: What’s your favorite drink?

40: How tall are you?

41: How much do you weigh?

42: Last time you were insulted?
Everyday. One way or the other. I do the most, but still.

43: Favorite show?

44: Favorite Actor?
Tom Cruise – This has become my standard answer.

45: Who should answer these questions next?
Anyone who has come this far deeserves to writes the answers. I am not big on nominating people and hence I apologise. But if you feel like this might give a better picture of yourself to the readers then go ahead and write the answers.


The Liebster Award

I would like to thank Jyoti who used to blog  for nominating me for the The Liebster Award.

Questions by Jyoti :

Which is your favorite book, and why?
This is a trick question. I want to impartial to books and won’t favorite some book and disappoint others.

Why did you choose to write on WordPress?
Because it is much easier and user friendly. I guess you meant blogging, but I had been blogging for over 8 years now and wordpress seemed like the best medium to do it. I regret not starting in thin from the beginning.

Which is your favorite color, and why?
Black. Because, that’s how I am on the inside.

If you were to wake up as a bird the next morning, what would be your reaction?
Free travelling? Hell Yeah!

Do you think that Light is what we need to spread in this world? If yes, how would you spread the light?
I think the first step in spreading anything is understand exactly the darkness that is surrounding us. Without exactly understanding anything it would be pretty useless however good you are at spreading the light or whatever/likewise. After understanding the exact factors that keeps one grounded, we can proceed to take necessary steps and precautions to help that person out.

What is Life according to you?
Basically a struggle. Life long struggle. Some do get it easy, while some work hard, while other’s (like yours truly) find it a bit tad struggle, or may be a lot of struggle.

Name a few dream destinations of yours, and mention with whom would you like to travel to those places?
Everywhere on the planet. Seriously. Well, I have thought for a while and no one’s name pop ups in my mind. I guess the answer is pretty clear. I would like travel the world alone.

Are you a pet lover? If yes, which is your favorite pet?
Yes, I think so. I seemed to have grown a lot of fondness for dogs, and I need one asap.

Mention one of your favorite songs and also mention your favorite line from it!
Broken People, Logic & Rag ‘n’ Bone Man – Bright (Movie)
We are broken people now.
We are burnin’ out
So cold, I am bleeding now, now, now
Gonna let you down.

What do you fear the most in life, and why?
Living longer than I wanted to.